You're not stuck. You're just committed to certain patterns of behavior because they helped you in the past. Now those behaviors have become more harmful than helpful. The reason you can't move forward is because you keep applying an old formula to a new level in your life. CHANGE THE FORMULA to get a different result.
-Emily Maroutian

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Introducing the New Release:
Life Repair Toolkit Book 2: Power Tools
The follow up book to Life Repair Toolkit, Power Tools blends philosophy, physics, and spirituality to explain those aspects of our personalities and behaviors over which we have no control. Power Tools explores fear, hostility, communication, and the meanings we attach to experiences in our lives. It then introduces a new layer to meditation and breathing that will unlock a deeper understanding and connection to the very Source of all human experience.
​Life Repair Toolkit - Not Just Talk; Real Tools
Life shouldn't be a struggle; it should be a celebration! Life Repair Toolkit is for those who want to see real change in their life but have struggled with finding resources that actually work. Inside, you will find not just talk but real tools, including worksheets and other practical material, to get to the core of what is limiting you so you can see breakthroughs in your emotions; communication skills; relationships; life. Check out the "Subjects" tab for detailed descriptions of each topic covered.
Testimonials: I have read many books from John Bradshaw, Louise Hay, Shakti Gawain searching for myself and truth. This book helps you identify all of your hidden beliefs, fears, and “bits” your brain holds onto. Finally a connection to emotions and how the brain works! A must read !

I listened to the CD, it was very well narrated. Very specific tools to help with communicating effectively and allowing my emotions be heard. The book helped me really look at my thoughts, feelings, and emotions and be able to see how I was really feeling in a particular situation. And then be able to take action to help solve issues. Great book, I highly recommend the straight forward tools and tactics to help guide you.
Love "Life Repair Toolkit." Finally a book that does more than remind us things we already know. I especially like and find super useful the "worksheets" to help us identify our feelings, get unstuck and heal when we face a conflict or unpleasant situation. It's now my GO TO self-help book when meeting a relationship problem. Truly en-lighting. well written. Filled with juicy research. Deep. I understand a 2nd book is in the making and I can't wait for the author's upcoming book!